Marketing essay writing
Research Paper Topics Climate Change Polilts
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Law of express trust Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Law of express trust - Case Study Example It might be either an individual or a legitimate element; iv) Beneficiary, for example the individual for whose advantage the trust was made. v) Purpose of the trust, for example the trust must have a reason, which is lawfully substantial. Express Trusts are further comprehensively characterized into I) Living Trust: It is otherwise called entomb vivos trust is made for the upside of another during the lifetime of settlor. ii) Testamentary trusts: These are made by the desire of the settlor. That implies, the settlor's property will be changed over into trust property simply after his passing. iii) Revocable Trusts: It is where the setlor has full command over the trust property, and he can change or cancel the trust whenever. This is a trust, which is at the impulses and extravagant of the settlor. iv) Irrevocable Trusts: As the name infers, this is a trust, which can't be revocable with the exception of the assent of the recipients, and trustees. Besides, the trust doesn't flame out once the reason for the trust is satisfied. v) Fixed Trusts: These are those trusts where the trust property will be shared by the recipients according to the schedule fixed by the settlor. In appropriating the property, the trustee has n o caution to play. Gartside v IRC [1968] AC 553 the Inland Revenue contended that as every recipient may be qualified for money from the trust support, they should each be charged as though they were qualified for the entire of the store. vi) Discretionary Trusts: They are those trusts where the trustee has total force in the board, organization and dissemination and designating the portions of the trust property to recipients. This trust offers many tax reductions to the recipients, as no intrigue is made to them until the property is circulated. Privileges of recipients: Under a discretioanry trust, the privileges of individual recipients are not satisfactory. In Re Smith [1928] Ch 915 it was held that the trustees needed to draw up a total rundown of recipients, yet this guideline is changed in McPhail v Doulton [1971] A.C. 424, 451, if there should arise an occurrence of family trust. Court's Jurisdiction: Schmidt v Rosewood Trust Ltd [2003] UKPC 26, [2003] 3 All ER 76: For this situation the court held that 1) The court has natural purview to oversee and even mediate in the organization of a trust if important. What's more, there is no special case even in optional trust. 2) This intrinsic locale is the crucial of law of trust. 3) The option to look for the court's intercession didn't rely upon qualification to a fixed and transmissible intrigue. 3) The court has the attentiveness to intercede to keep up the harmony between the contending enthusiasm of recipients, the trustees and the outsiders. Gartside v IRC [1968] 1 All ER 121 at 134.Re Manisty's Settlement [1973] 2 All ER 1203 at 1211-1212, Mettoy Pension Trustees Ltd v Evans [1991] 2 All ER 513 at 549. Questions: 1. Exchanges made by the trustees over the span of the executives of trust property: The trustees made the accompanying three exchanges: 1. Deal Vintage care for 15,000 during the most recent year to Crowther's child, 2. Installment of legitimate administration expense of 25,000 to the specialists firm in which the trustees are accomplices. 3. Chosen to put from existing stores in to a) mostly
Saturday, August 22, 2020
International Survey of Older Adults †Free Samples to Students
Question: Examine about the International Survey of Older Adults. Answer: Presentation: Quiet focused consideration is a standout amongst other with regards to guaranteeing safe correspondence with the patient during wellbeing evaluation. It dependent on different standards, for example, regard, decision, nobility, straightforwardness, compassion, and independence. There is the longing to help individuals to lead their ideal life. Persistent focused consideration needs to include the families, the patient, just as the social insurance experts (Osborn et al., 2014). The social insurance experts will in general act naturally mindful, moral, have an awareness of other's expectations, demonstration with ethical quality and are receptive. The patient-focused clinicians will in general be: educational and include the patients as they care for them, they invigorate the inclinations of the patient, they guarantee there is a great deal of help for self-administration and care. They likewise give correspondence on probabilities and chances, and keep up the nobility of the patient in addition to other things. They are touchy to otherworldly and non-clinical consideration measurements and offer all the choices on treatment. Evidently, documentation is any electronically or put down legal patient accounts on any cooperations among them and the social insurance experts. They incorporate assessing, finding the medical issues, planning, implementing and surveying of their consideration. MIS (the board data frameworks) will in general give the necessary database to record the data. (Kourkouta, Papathanasiou, 2014). Their point is to make a condusive domain that represents exactness, practicality, security, protection, classified chronicle, and utilization of specific data of the patient. The result of this framework is relied upon to be savvy, give quality data, be productive, and be utilized to convey quality consideration to the patients. It is the obligation of the medical attendant to refresh the necessary structures and records to maintain a strategic distance from mistakes while conveying social insurance. Attendants will in general record the patients individual data, their wellbeing progress and care , clinical history, and furthermore arrange some other wellbeing related data. The account way mirrors the specific strategies that have been set by the wellbeing office where the medical attendants work at. As indicated by Stein-parbury (2013), verbal correspondence is the trading of data using words and it can either be composed or spoken. Verbal correspondence fuses what we talk or form, and moreover how something is expressed: whether or not the tone or volume organizes the message; in the case of welcoming words are said in an unstable pitch or single word or articulation is underlined above others. (Kourkouta, Papathanasiou, 2014). Tone, pitch, volume, stops, recognition and speed of talk deliberately or accidentally add additional noteworthiness to words. Very close correspondence incorporates a relationship between talked words and non-verbal correspondence. The crowd 'deciphers' these, resulting in the receipt of arranged and unintended messages. In your collaborations, you will 'read' patients and interpret what is said and what is suggested, related to non-verbal correspondence and other non-verbal signs. Patients along these lines will 'read' you purposefully or accidentally. References Kourkouta, L., Papathanasiou, I. V. (2014). Correspondence in nursing practice.Materia socio-medica,26(1), 65. Osborn, R., Molds, D., Squires, D., Doty, M. M., Anderson, C. (2014). Worldwide study of more seasoned grown-ups discovers inadequacies in access, coordination, and patient-focused care.Health Affairs,33(12), 2247-2255.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Announcing the Winner of the 2018 ServiceScape Scholarship
Announcing the Winner of the 2018 ServiceScape Scholarship ServiceScape is pleased to announce the winner of the 2018 Scholarship Contest: Nick Summerlin, from Morgantown, West Virginia. Nick is a freshman at West Virginia University pursuing a Mechanical Engineering major.Nick Summerlin is the winner of the 2018 ServiceScape ScholarshipYou can find his winning submission below. We hope you enjoy reading it and we look forward to reading more great essays for our 2019 Scholarship.The world we know today is moving at an astonishing speed. Innovations are all around us, in everything we use. With everything changing so fast around us, it can seem impossible that anything would remain untouched. That is, except for writing.Writing is one of the worlds most important forms of communication. It allows us to put our ideas and thoughts onto a media that can be transferred and understood all throughout the world. Without it, communication would be much more difficult in every aspect.From short poems to lengthy technical reports, being able to write effectively is an important skill to have in this ever-changing world. It shows intelligence and garners a sense of respect from others that is incomparable to any other art form.Some of the most influential writing of todays age is quite simplistic. Take the poem Fire and Ice by Robert Frost, or the Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln, for example. Frost wrote that poem in 1920, consisting of 9 lines and 51 words. It has been read all over the world and interpreted in hundreds of ways since then, being held as one of the most well-known poems in history. Lincolns writing is still one of the most influential speeches ever, and it only lasted two minutes.From this its obvious that writing is a very esteemed practice in todays world. It doesnt take the strongest vocabulary or the lengthiest literature to get a point across, but being able to use words in a way that is captivating and provoking can go a long way. Without writing, the world wouldnt be moving as fast as it is.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Freefall and Projectile Motion - 795 Words
Freefall and Projectile Motion Introduction and Objectives This lab experiment was done to determine the characteristics of free fall and projectile motion in Physics. The motion in which a body is thrown or projected is called Projectile motion while free fall is any motion of a body where gravity is the only force acting upon it, at least initially. In this experiment, a photogate, a chopper, and a Universal Lab Interface were used to determine the free fall motion of the chopper as it was released. A ball, carbon paper, and an L-shape projector were also used to determine the range of projectile motion of a ball being released from a horizontal yet slightly vertical slope. At the end of the experiment, one will know how velocity†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Photogate has a beam of infrared light that travels from one side to the other. It can detect whenever this beam is blocked.†A Picket Fence or a chopper, a piece of clear plastic with equally spread out black sections on it, was dropped. â€Å"As the Picket Fence passes through the Photogate, the computer will measure the time from the leading edge of one bar blocking the beam until the leading edge of the next bar blocks the beam.†This timing continues as all eight bars pass through the Photogate. From these measured times, the program will calcul ate the velocities and accelerations for this motion and graphs will be plotted.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Thomas Paine and the Pamphlet Common Sense - 814 Words
Thomas Paine was responsible for some of the most influential works of the revolution. Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense was a very crucial part to America and its movement of independence from Britain. Paine was effective with his writings by being very plain. He wanted both farmers and officials to understand what he was talking about and be able to comprehend his ideas. Paine wanted to put his ideas out to the people of the American colonies so that they could understand it just by reading and not have to analyze and decipher what he was really trying to get across. He wanted to let the colonist know that there was no more room for talking about a split from English rule but it was time for the colonies to unite and take up arms against their British oppressors. Thomas Paine had many arguments for American independence but there are a few of them that are really the main focus of his thoughts for independence. The first argument that he made that was focused on independence was the relationship between the colonist and Britain. The fact that that Britain had laws to govern a colony on the other side of the world was implausible. That the island of Britain was going to give laws that the colonist of the Americas had to abided by even though the one who made the law was 3000 miles away. Another argument that he had was that George III was a tyrannical leader. There was no way that he was going to keep peace, and to rule over a colony, and expect the colony to follow all theShow MoreRelatedThe Pamphlet, Common Sense, By Thomas Paine1317 Words  | 6 PagesThe pamphlet, Common Sense, was published in January of 1776 by Thomas Paine. This pamphlet inspired the citizens of the British colonies, in America, to rise up, declare, and fight for th eir independence from the tyranny of the British monarchy. Paine made his pamphlet accessible to as many people of the colonies as possible so to spread the word and the people took notice. Paine’s pamphlet was being read everywhere such as bars and public sites. To not hear the words of Thomas Paine in theRead MoreThomas Paine s Common Sense Pamphlet1719 Words  | 7 Pagesfigure to back their frustrations. Radical journalist and political animal, Thomas Paine, was the first to openly ask for liberty, in the Pennsylvania Magazine. Paine’s ordinary language appealed to the common folk, and allowed them to participate in colonial meetings; Their strength would be dependent on numbers. The published piece gave clear reason for the colonists to fight for their freedom. Thomas Paine’s Common Sense pamphlet asserted purpose to the impending ward on England, and inspired all toRead MoreAnalysis of Thomas Paine ´s Pamphlet, Common Sense846 Words  | 3 Page sCommon Sense Throughout time, events such as wars and assassinations have occurred that people today can describe as â€Å"a turning point in history†. However, not all turning points in history have to be wars, assassinations, etc. In fact, perhaps everybody acknowledges that Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense is a â€Å"turning point in history†because it inspired the United States Revolutionary War. Common Sense, a pamphlet, can be credited as to inciting the American Colonies to revolt against GreatRead MoreMedia in the American Revolution: Thomas Paine and His Famous Pamphlet Common Sense531 Words  | 2 PagesThe writings of Thomas Paine and his famous pamphlet, Common Sense, are viewed by many as having a profound and instrumental part in the ideology supporting the American Revolution. As important as Paines writings were, there were a great many other publications that played a major part in developing and reporting the process that eventually resulted in the Revolution and the ultimate formation of a new government in the former British colonies. To fully understand the nature of the power of theRead MoreThomas Paine s Political Pamphlet925 Words  | 4 PagesThomas Paine’s Political Pamphlet Thomas Paine’s political pamphlet entitled Common Sense was a very inspirational piece of writing. Common Sense stirred the American colonists who were pursuing independence. It was also a persuasive piece of writing for the American colonists who were unsure if they wanted to split their ways with Great Britain, or not. Throughout the political pamphlet Paine argues that the colonist were not dependent on Great Britain. He makes powerful points regarding how theRead MoreThe Document Common Sense By Thomas Paine1714 Words  | 7 Pages The document Common Sense by Thomas Paine was written in 1775, and published in 1776. Though, in order to be shared with the public, Thomas Paine had to be inspired first. Some of the more common inspirations were derived from the ideas of John Locke and Thomas Hobbes. The main points of Thomas Paine’s document were to separate from English rule and to form a democratic nation. Some of John Locke’s most common ideas of the human nature were that humans needed independence to thrive, a statementRead MoreCommon Sense by Thomas Paine859 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"Common Sense†Common Sense is a pamphlet made in 1775-76 by Thomas Paine. This pamphlet inspired the thirteen colonies to declare war and fight for independence against Great Britain. It was straight forward and told Great Britain exactly the advantages of being independent from them. On January 10, 1776 during the American Revolution, the pamphlet was published and became a huge topic in the community. It was the biggest talk of the colonies. In proportion to the population, the book was the biggestRead MoreThomas Paine s Common Sense Essay813 Words  | 4 PagesThomas Paine began writing Common Sense in late 1775 under the working title of Plain Truth. With Benjamin Rush, who helped him edit it, publish it, and suggested the final title, Paine developed his ideas into a forty-eight page pamphlet. He published Common Sense anonymously because of its treasonable content. Rush recommended the printer Robert Bell, promising Paine that, where other printers might say no because of the content of the pamphlet, Bell would not hesitate nor delay its printing. PaineRead MoreHow Did Thomas Paine Influence The American Revolution795 Words  | 4 PagesThomas Paine was an England born political activist, theorist, philosopher and revolutionary. He was an influential writer of essays and pamphlets. His works included â€Å"The Age of Reason, â€Å"Rights of Man†and the widely known and well accepted â€Å"Common Sense†. He is one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and had a major influence on the American Revolution by helping shape many of the ideas that marked the Age of Revolution. His extremely popular Common Sense pamphlet (which I will be discussingRead MoreCommon Sense By Thomas Paine957 Words  | 4 PagesThe political pamphlet known as Common Sense was written by Thomas Paine in 1776. This pamphlet contributed in promoting the independence of America. In the pamphlet Thomas Paine challenged the American colonists to separate from England an d create a democratic and independent society. Along with challenging the American colonists, he hinted at his own opinions about a democratic government that America should plan towards if they seek to separate from England. Thomas Paine also bluntly proposed
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Global world challenges for muslim Free Essays
string(48) " country also means to acquire a great society\." Globalization has a big influence to Muslim populations and it brings huge impacts to the world in every single aspect. Plus, global economy is one of the greatest things happened directly proportional to the rise of globalization. The concept of globalization brings the culture of being competitive among people and surely Muslims are Included. We will write a custom essay sample on Global world challenges for muslim or any similar topic only for you Order Now Countries around the world compete with each other In order to gain the superpower as the top global nations. Though America Is believed to be eager in the near future, but still its influence on the global economy will probably make them to remain strong. This can be seen through the efforts made by the United States nation showing their ability to resolve global crises and their soft power in the field of economy (New Straits Times, 2012). In that matter, they will be able to fight against Incoming competitors to surpass them so that they will remain being the first among equal. However, for Muslims communities,TLS phenomenon has become a challenge for them as the chances in dominating the global economic sector still far way. As Muslims have lesser chances to be as one of the top rank countries, they tend to follow and adapt what have been posed by the Western. Instead of creating an innovative ideas and great productivity, these issues will create an unhealthy culture among Muslims communities where they will belief behind In economic- based sector and thus, becoming passive communities. In short, less attention given to Muslims has actually become a minor obstacle for this population to move forward towards success. In addition to that, most Muslims who are living in underdeveloped entries are facing a big problem of dominating the world economics even to get involved the global economic sectors is another issue. As a result to fewer chances provided for Muslims in this sector, this will only reduce or limit the Muslims’ achievement towards the success of this sector. Surely, Muslims will not be able to show the world their talents In organizing this economic field so that to gain others’ certainty about their own ablest that the world has misinterpreted for every now and then. Likewise, the world will see Muslims as weak, fragile and useless communities living together in a small alienated population. To add this, Hannah, (n. D) also comes out with a smart argumentation saying that human resources act as path to the development of Muslim communities. This however explains the critical element, human resources need attention from Muslims community If they aspire to be significant In the global economic. In other words, the economic growth will likely be depended on the human productivity values itself, which need to be developed and strengthened due to recent global competition. Another element which also becomes a great challenge for Muslim populations in the immediate future is education. Education has becomes great indicator to measure the development of certain countries and communities, since education shapes the future of a country whether to be success or not. The world perceives changed easily through great education and knowledge. The problem in education arises when Muslims are not given the same and equal chance to seek knowledge like the Western people. People in Western country may have big opportunity in seeking knowledge as they own most of the great universities in the world. Warren Buffet, the intelligent investor, has shown the world how a brilliant guy survives to come the most successful person in the world. (Kenton, 2014) The excellence in academic does contribute much in constructing the strategies for Buffet to become a Billionaire today. Meanwhile, that opportunity does not happened in the same way for Muslim communities. As they have been isolated within a big community when they migrate to a Western country, they are not being given same privileges in education as well. The challenges faced by Muslims to further their studies become harder when there are only limited chances in education provided for Muslim populations. This forever has a very much dependency with the aspect of Muslims’ social background. To be cleared, most Muslim countries all around the world suffer the issue of poverty. Not only being the subject of poverty, Muslims are also subjected to discrimination and prejudices for they have always be seen as unimportant to become knowledgeable even to seek knowledge. All in all, Muslims who do afford to pay the high amount of educational fees will choose not to further their study to reduce their burden of having to pay expensive educational fees. This will result in their in their interest towards education, where they will be no longer interested to seek knowledge as they have been dropped out due to incomplete fees payment, as well as the lacking of formal education. Even though this case is quite common among Muslim countries, yet it also attacks the Western as well. For example, being a rich and well developed country like America has never stopped this country to urge their students with expensive educational fees. This will cause the school drop-outs to find other alternatives as a mean of continuing their life(Reemerged, n. D). In short, education plays as an important element which triggers one’s well life being, thus the limitations in education among Muslim populations has become a prominent barrier for them to move forward. The problem of getting an education does not stop there. This is because, even Muslim communities have their own restrictions in seeking knowledge in some countries. This is what happens in Saudi Arabia in which the women have not been only restricted to seek knowledge, yet they are also not allowed to drive and authoritative the permission from their male guardians(â€Å"Saudi Arabia†, 2013). In other words, restriction to gain knowledge is also considered as one of the barriers happened within the Muslim communities that may lead to the declination of social development among populations. To have a great country also means to acquire a great society. You read "Global world challenges for muslim" in category "Papers" Every culture and society in the world today is facing many complex moral and social challenges. The major issue in developing social values in the Muslim communities is the influences of social media. The development of human behavior begins at the early age of children. Being in rapid growth stage has however asses teenagers and children to Just follow blindly what they may perceive as true without having any detailed experimentation to it. This increases their chances to be and others. All in all, these can be seen through their peculiar attitudes as well as dressing style. Feller highlights the rise of pornographic elements in children’s clothing in United States leads to further moral decline (Feeler, 2013). This culture is unhealthy because it promotes the unethical manners in dressing thus encourages teenagers to dress in that way. Len other words, minor factor sometimes can also be racial to a problem whether it helps to reduce the problem or to boost the problem causing it to be more serious. With no doubt, pornographic issue in dressing style has actualities the sub or minor contributor to the larger problem which are teenage pregnancy and baby dumping. This sounds shocking but it does happen. In Malaysia, for example, a Muslim country, the case of unwed teen pregnancy has reached to the critical stage (Shah, 2014) at this recent day. This issue is closely related to the moral declination where it is initiated by the improper education and guidance from parents. The statistic of four consequent years’ research shows that more than one thousand unwed teen pregnancies have occurred in Malaysia, starting from 2010 to 2013. This indicates the huge number and most unpredictable statistic in Malaysia involving the under-age teenagers. According to Alicia Shah (2014), as cited in Mad Hussy, the total number of unwed teen pregnancies for two year between 2011 and 2012 is 8405 Another challenge which has always become a nightmare for the Muslims is ‘Claustrophobia’. It is understandable that challenges towards Muslims do not only occur in the field of economy, education and social but also in a way Muslims receive feedbacks from the people all over the world. To be cleared, Claustrophobia refers to a form of racism being labeled to Muslims (Marci, 2004). Without realizing, the voice of anti-Muslim has been rapidly spread to global world, especially in the Western country. Muslims have been viewed as terrorists in the eyes of Western people. Head (2013) agrees that, Western people have always misinterpreted Muslims as a symbol of violence besides of their intractability to make any changes whenever they have been asked to. Even though, it is not the actual guru that reflect the true Islam yet Muslims have suffered this for quite long time. According to Harmony, there are some misunderstandings of people’s views, failure to differentiate between true Islam and extremism which later becomes the root of Claustrophobia(Harmony, 2014). Claustrophobia doesn’t exist itself but it has been shaped by people’s perspective. For example, the Western who are being too judgmental towards Muslims always reflects any bad deeds done by Muslims as a mean to describe Islam as a whole. Later, they conclude that Islamic teachings as a form of terrorism. In other word, Westerners bad perception towards Muslims can be reduced once they understand and open ways for Muslims to explain what Islam is all about. Plus, inabilities of Muslim communities themselves to give the correct picture of Islam also boost Claustrophobia. This is again used by teethe radical Islamic terrors to describe Islam as a whole. Likewise, Claustrophobia affects the entire world of Islamic community. The huge impact can be seen in Muslim territory after the official term of Claustrophobia has been claimed, declared and well spread to the whole Western countries. One example can be seen through the tragedy of 9/1 1 here Muslims have been blamed for that tragedy as well as the bombing of the world trade centre building. This lead to the establishment of many organizations Western land (â€Å"The year in hate and extremism†, 2014). The Claustrophobia has been portrays how social media gather all blames towards Muslims at any global issue of criminals. Moreover, the treatments Muslim at the West Country get are also dreadful to relief in that critical moment. Muslims have been pictured as bad, immoral, cruel and deviated from society. At the meantime, the world will not welcome Muslim populations even they keep increasing number every now and then. N short, this situation will spread the feeling of hatred on Muslim populations worldwide thus preventing Muslims to develop well (â€Å"Claustrophobia ‘explosion’ in I-J†, 2002) After all, Muslims need some strategies to enhance their quality of life in the global world. As in the field of economics, Muslims should be able to convince the world of their capabilities in economic-based sector. One best example to support this idea is that, Muslims should be more competitive with the outside world. This perhaps can be portrayed through the high-quality products of local Muslim populations being exported all over the world. As a result to this, the world especially the Western will at least start to rethink of their bad perceptions given to Muslim communities. Besides, Muslim leaders should make ways for Muslims to be among the global economic competitors. So that the respect and chances will help to build up and develop the whole country. This sector closely related to the achievement on the education and academic sector, where the people have to be educated to keep on producing the great, innovative and productive products and works in the global world. As for the education, the restriction is no longer relevant for Muslim immunities, since people are born to be developed with the knowledge they have. Plus, the restriction to gain education between genders should be vanished thus portraying men as being superior in all aspects of life than the women should be stopped. This can be proven throughout several great of women in today’s world. Morocco can be considered as one among the other countries which realizes the importance of women’s contribution in education for the country. To support this, Morocco does encourage its women to become the religious leaders to guide the society through the service of personal counseling. In short, with this great alternative will actually acts as a medium to provide Muslims with a better chance of being educated thus to prepare living in a world of high technology (Sultan, 2012). Muslim country has been figured as poor country among countries all over the world. So, in order to improve the level of current development of Muslim country, Muslims themselves need to strengthen the human resources that may indicate how strong they are to survive in global power economically. Teenage must be observed by their parents or guardians at the most of their activities. Teenagers with high exposure to immoral and unhealthy activities may have a higher tendency to get involved with the social problems. How to cite Global world challenges for muslim, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Romeo&Juliet Parody Essays - , Term Papers
Romeo&Juliet : Parody ROMY AND JULIUS ACT III SCENE I MARCY (mercutio) BONNY (benvolio) TAI (tybalt) ROMY (romeo) IN THE THEATER ARCADE MARCY: Like oh my God, wouldn't this make the coolest accessory. It like totally complements my outfit! Bonny: Just play the game MARCY: (mumbles) Like fine, miss thing, you don't have to be so rude. Like, okay, I have to tell you something else. Guess who I saw yesterday at the mall getting a fro-yo, like, it was so totally cool amiga. Bonny: (false enthusiasm) Who? OH wait, I don't care. So anyways, what time is it? MARCY: Okay, I can get this one, like Jeff has been teaching me how to tell time?gotta prepare myself, it's uh, (looks at watch) fourteen thousand five hundred and fifty two. Bonny: Let me see! (walks over to Marcy) MARCY: Like fine, if you don't believe me you can check for myself. Bonny: It's eight o'clock, where's Romy? She should be here by now. MARCY: I don't know, she was like, suppose to meet use here at 7:45 Bonny: Well I'm not waiting anymore, we won't get any seats. She'll find us, if she shows. IN THE THEATER MARCY: Like, oh my God! It's so dark in here, you know, like that closet game the guys always make me play. Spectators: SHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bonny: Shut up, you are such a ditz! Common, let's go find seats. MARCY: There are like, two over there behind that totally hot baldwin! (Bonny and Marcy take their seats) _____: (laughs)?ha?.ha?ha?.ha?..ha?.ha. TAI: What is that annoying noise?!?! _____: (laughs)?ha?.ha?ha?.ha?..ha?.ha. TAI: There it is again!! (looks at Marcy) It's you!!!!!! MARCY: Oh my God!! (nudges Bonny) it's Tai. Hey Bonny look.. MARCY and Bonny: It's Tai! TAI: That's the princess of cats to you! MARCY: Well MEOW! Bonny: OOOHHH! So scared, watch me quiver in fear! I'm going to get something to drink; do you want something Marcy? (starts walking away) MARCY: Sure, can you like get me a drink? TAI: No, don't bother, here take mine! (spills her drink on Marcy) MARCY: Like that really wasn't necessary, it's like oh my God! (runs away) TAI: Oops, did I do that? IN THE BATHROOM MARCY: Like why did she have to do that, I didn't ask?Oh, Romy, like oh my God, what are you doing here? Bonny: Yeah, you were supposed to be here for seven forty five! ROMY: Sorry guys, I got?..delayed. Yeah, that's it I got delayed. What happened to you? MARCY: Like, oh my God, you know that girl Tai? ROMY: Yeah, MARCY: I was like kinda being friendly and all, and like not, I mean minding my own business, and then she like spilled her aqua mineral all over me, and I was like HELLO! NEW OUTFIT! ROMY: Yeah, well maybe it was an accident, it's okay. MARCY: It's getting all over my shoes! ROMY: Well, it's okay, it's only water, and it'll dry eventually. Bonny: Oh, we got company, I'm going back to watch the movie. MARCY: Like, okay, I can't believe it, it's like ruined. TAI: Hi girls, hey Marcy have a little, accident? You really should see someone about your problem. MARCY: I did, like the doctor said the medication?.. (Romy nudges Marcy) MARCY: Oh, like you spilled the water all over me! TAI: Listen, (pulls out a piece of paper), here's the number for Bed Wetters Anonymous, you really should try calling them sometime. (hands Marcy the paper) MARCY: And, like, why exactly would you have this on you? Previous experiences perhaps? Hello, my name is Tai not only am I the president and founder of Bed Wetters Anonymous, but I'm also a customer. TAI: Are you insulting me? MARCY: No actually, I'm complementing you courage, I mean it takes a really brave girl to admit she has a problem and do something about it. TAI: That's it TAI and MARCY: VERBAL FIGHT (Austin Powers?oh behave!) TAI and MARCY: VERBAL FIGHT ROMY: Guys, GUYS! Common, let's go watch the movie that's what we came here to do. TAI: Yeah, Marcy, you can go, it's Romy I have to get even with for trashing my party last week. MARCY: Excuse me, are we like totally blind here? You spilled your drink on me!!! (grabs nail file) ON GUARD!! TAI: No, I don't think so! (CENSORED?flushing, gargling) TAI: (takes Marcy's head out of toilet) Oops, did I do that again? MARCY: (coughs) How bad is it? ROMY: It's not that bad, really, it's not really that bad. (Marcy slowly gets up) ROMY: NO! Marcy don't look!! MARCY: I have to,
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